It’s common to have an unused room in the house that’s ready for a little renovation. Maybe you have a kid who moved out of the home (and isn’t likely to move back in). Maybe you’ve recently done a lot of cleaning and have a largely unused storage room. Or maybe a change in your home construction has left you with one more room than you’re used to. Whatever the reason, here are the most popular options for putting that room to good use for years to come.
1. Repurpose into Closet Space
If your closet is overstuffed or you must keep a lot of clothes in other storage areas, like the attic or basement, then you’re due for a new, real closet space! Consider turning the extra room into a walk-in closet where you can house all your extra clothes. This is especially useful if you have significant differences between your “winter” and “summer” wardrobe, even if you may not think about it in those terms. It’s also healthier for your house to keep clothes in a new closet rather than store them in areas where they can more easily get infested with moths, rodents, or other pests.
Because a walk-in closet may not require all the space in a room, this is also an easy option to combine with one of our other popular options.
2. Create an At-Home Office
A home office could be the perfect solution to your work situation. Desk space for organization, a computer with a good Wi-Fi connection, and you’re ready to go. This is an ideal renovation for those who like to work from home on occasion, or are working part-time for the foreseeable future so they can also care for the kids or pursue other interests. It may also be a good choice for those who are moving into a consultation job, starting a new business of their own, or winding down slowly into retirement – but with a little work on the side.
3. Plan a Game Room
If you have an active family or frequently have a lot of friends over for fun, it may be time to create a dedicated game room (group games or digital games are both options, but table-top friendly gaming is a common focus here). This is a great way to use a room that will make your nights more enjoyable and probably make cleanup easier, too. Interestingly, more and more people are converting their dining rooms into game rooms, since the dining area often sees much more use this way.
4. Make a Hobby Room
At-home hobbies and crafts might deserve a room of their own, too. Do your hobbies require plenty of supplies, or a sizable amount of space to carry out? Think about devoting your unused space to shelves, cabinets and tables to house those supplies and your latest projects.
Do these ideas sound like the right solutions for you? Great! But be sure to check out our other blog posts for more helpful information on useful projects around the house, from small changes to big renovations!
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